The mess comes partly from the cleaning up, and I can see the potential in my mind, it really won't take much and won't take long to be productive again. Let me take you on a tour....
First of the raised beds (which has since been planted out with broccoli, cauliflower and lettuce)
The first of the raised garden beds, with the next couple of in-ground beds prepared for planting. Newly pruned nectarine tree along the fence in the background, neighbour's star jasmine spilling over our fence to be chopped right back!!
The nectarine (one the left) and apple (on the right) trees were so overgrown from neglect, we pruned them right back to try and start again. I may have killed them in the process. Time will tell....
The pond (complete with soccer ball - doesn't everyonoe have one of those in their pond garden??) The tree will need to be felled as it is appears to be diseased, and I'll put something there in it's place. Once the pond surrounds have been weeded and cleaned up, it will become our herb garden.
No. 2 son pruning very overgrown and tangled passionfruit
No. 2 son pruning very overgrown and tangled passionfruit
The end result!!
Shade pergola that will eventually have vines climbing all over it (north facing)
Patio that needs a makeover (north facing)
Citrus trees planted along fence to be espaliered, this patch will become the tomato patch once it's prepared (western side of garden).
Holes for said citrus trees being dug by No. 1 son (western side fence)
Hothouse will be built off this side of the shed
Recently planted fruit trees - posts will have wires running through them to espalier trees along (eastern side fence).
East facing side of the house - great potential, but doesn't get a lot of sun.
I've got lots of plans for the garden - or should I say we, because the kids are as much a part of this as I am. I'm good with the ideas, and even the logistics of executing them to a degree, I jsut can't *do* everything I want to physically (hence the child labour pics, lol!!), but I am so very blessed to have lots of people around me who are more than willing to help. Our plans include:Shade pergola that will eventually have vines climbing all over it (north facing)
Patio that needs a makeover (north facing)
Citrus trees planted along fence to be espaliered, this patch will become the tomato patch once it's prepared (western side of garden).
Holes for said citrus trees being dug by No. 1 son (western side fence)
Hothouse will be built off this side of the shed
Recently planted fruit trees - posts will have wires running through them to espalier trees along (eastern side fence).
East facing side of the house - great potential, but doesn't get a lot of sun.
- enclosing the back of the shed to become the chook run
- erecting a hothouse off the other side of the shed
- 2 more raised beds
- finish off the wiring for espaliering the fruit trees
- plant more indigineous species
- build some birdbaths and feeders
- construct trellises for climbing veggies
- plant kiwi fruit to grow up the shade pergola
- spruce up the patio area
- put in a Hills Hoist
- work out what to plant in shaded area along east side of the house
- work out how to utilise more of lawn for growing food
- work out how to utilise 'gap' between western side of shed and fence (compost? worms?)
Oh, the possibilities!!!!