Thursday, August 26, 2010

Creativity abounding

Although not much to show right now - more pics to come, but for this week's YOU:create

A skirt for DD, pattern (Obi apron from burdastyle) and fabric (from Tessuti) picked out by herself, alterations to pattern by me :-)

And in culinary creativity, I had plans for Beef and Red Wine casserole with veggies etc for tea, which instead got turned into these


Back later with more creative goodness :-)


  1. Cute skirt! And now I am hungry too! :)

  2. i love the tie on the skirt!! :)

  3. How cute!!! Love it! Great fabric, too!

  4. I love how you start with one meal and end up with another. My lack of culinary creativity would have not turned out so well! Even with a recipe I'm pretty much at a loss :)
