Friday, January 27, 2012

From Pinterest to real life

I'm sure it's no surprise that I lovelovelove Pinterest (jumping on bandwagons seems to be a favourite past time of mine.....).  Anyway, I absolutely love that I now have somewhere to store inspiration found online, other than my bookmarks and images folder, and even better, I find more inspiration in everyone else's pins.

I've just discovered that Nicole over at has a once a month post 'From Pinterest to real life' on the last Friday of the month, and immediately thought that this would be perfect to motivate me to actually try out some of my pins (as I've said before, I'm great at the planning, not so good in the doing, especially without a motivation!).  I figured if I put this on my calendar, to go on my to do list, things might actually get done, and I might get my creativity back.

I've only made one 'crafty thing' that I've pinned, making canvases with photos, and they turn out beautifully.  I've only made a couple for myself, and have done a couple more for Christmas presents.  So here's my first 'From Pinterst to real life' project!

Sorry for the less-than-stellar photos, that's what you get with an iPhone in a not well lit kitchen!!  I highly recommend giving this project a go, sooooo easy, quick, and they make wonderful, personalised gifts.

I had contemplated doing some crafting today, but it's currently 35deg and we're all a bit slow today.  It's DS' 9th birthday, so he's currently choosing playing with presents and watching a bit of tv.  I can go with that!  I got online earlier, remembering that there was an e-mail that a new Knitty issue wa up, and as I opened the site, thinking about making myself a coffee, I remembered a post from my previous blog.  As you'll see below, some things don't change!!!

The Power of Suggestion   (Originally posted December 9, 2006)

It is currently 40.1C (104F) here at 1:35pm in the afternoon (which means it's still going to get hotter today), I'm sitting here in as little clothing as possible required to remain decently covered, the airconditioner is going, the kids are vegging with DVD's, and this is what it looks like in front of me

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It's 40C, and I had an urge to have a stinkin' hot cup of coffee!! After I'd just made myself an iced drink!! Why? Because I'd clicked on to the new Knitty, and not only is it the winter issue (thereby invoking memories of shivering when it's about 1C), but I always sit and have a cuppa when I'm perusing the new Knitty. Apparently that's become so ingrained a habit that being 40C doesn't make a difference (and BTW, I don't normally sit liquid on the computer, this was purely for photographic purposes only!!).

 My view this afternoon, I really am a creature of habit!

Browsing through posts made between 2004 - 2009 was a rather interesting trip back in time, to see how I've changed, and to see what hasn't changed.  That's a post for another day, I'm off to dream of cooler weather requiring knitted woolies!

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