I love taking recording life in photos, but I'm not very good at maintaining any form of consistency indoing so! So, as part of this being intentional thing, I thought I might be more motivated if I post pics on a regular day, and Friday becames it for no other reason than photo and Friday go together!!
I love Instagram. It's such an easy app to use, to take pics, edit and upload, and keep for future reference. Much as I love taking photos with my DSLR, I love the simplicity and convenience of Instagram, and I've started using it more often of late. So without further ado, here's the round-up of the week that was!
on the needles
A baby hat started waaaay too long ago, must get cracking on it!
The (completed) back of DD's cardigan (Starsky Jr)
Sock that just needs the toe grafted
Eldest DS' Cristmas present, still need to weave the ends in!
on our plates
on our plates
blueberrymilkyoghurtcinnamon smoothie (forgot the banana!)
Cold rolls, new fave of the house!!!
Seriously yummy tea tonight - crispy skin salmon, potatoes from the garden, salsa from Jamie Oliver's 30 minute meals.
in the garden
The tomato patch - 23 plants and counting!
Siting on the ground weeding this afternoon, looking through the plants looked like a miniature enchanted forest :-)
Not long until they're ready now :-)
Cucumbers growing up the fence, we're getting at least one every second day, mmmmmm
Off to pick up the needles and yarn :-)
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